Chinesisch-Deutsche Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (CDHAW)
Address | Tongji University |
Start and end of semester | Winter semester (September — January) is the first term of the double-degree and the only term for non-degree Summer semester (February - July) is the second term of the double-degree Start for study exchange always only in WS and Start double degree in WS and SS possible, regularly in WS irregularly starting with internship in SS. For more details, visit: |
Programmes |
Study programme | |
Internship during Double-Degree |
Course description | You can find the course descriptions here |
Language of instruction | German/English |
Language requirements | B1 English language certificate according to Europäischem Referenzrahmen |
Special financial support | China Scholarship Council (CSC) — for the double degree programme. You must finally travel to China to be elligible. |
YouTube videos | Double degree China guide |
Your application deadline @department |
Our nomination deadline @agent (mdhk/DHIK) |
Agents nomination Deadline @partner |
Your application deadline @partner |
More information
As a student of our faculty you can do a theoretical semester of study at CDHAW.
The following requirements should be met, i.e.
- You are student of a higher semester, usually from the 5th semester onwards,
- You have already completed your basic studies (1st and 2nd semester),
- You are a registered student at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and
- You have a good grade point average (i.e. 2.5 or better).
The Double Degree Program at CDHAW is only open to Bachelor students of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering studying towards a degree in (International) Engineering and Management. The Double Degree Program is designed for participation starting in the winter semester, i.e. from September for one year.
For a successful participation you should:
- have already completed 120 ECTS at the HS Mannheim,
- have at least two by content suitable open subjects, which you can take locally and which can be recognized by the faculty,
- be a registered student at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and
- have a good grade point average (i.e. 2.5 or better).
Applicants who do not meet these requirements can apply for the non-degree program.
ATTENTION regarding the combined internship and thesis semester at CDHAW:
Transfer according to HSM requirements ONLY: parallel execution of internship and thesis EXCLUDES recognition of both, i.e. either internship (Praxisseemster) OR thesis can be transferred as credits to HSM! In case of doubt ask Team International.
In the Non-Degree Program you will spend one theoretical semester at the CDHAW in Shanghai.
- Start of study at the beginning of September until the end of January each year
- Course registration usually on site in September
- Study according to a fixed schedule (Example: course plan WS 2016/17) with about 30 credits per semester
- compulsory attendance
- German and English language courses (CDHAW module descriptions and Schwerpunkthandbuch WI) taught by Chinese and German professors and lecturer
- Jiading campus, which is about 50 minutes by metro from the city center
- (Campus map und metro)
In the Double Degree Program you will spend one year at CDHAW in Shanghai and complete one theoretical semester (fall term) and an internship semster with thesis (spring term).
- September to the end of January: Theoretical study semester with predefined course selection amounting to 30 ECTS (example study plan WS 2016/17)
- German- and English-language courses (CDHAW course descriptions and Schwerpunkthandbuch WI) taught by Chinese and German professors and lecturers
- Course registration usually on site in September
- Jiading campus, which is about 50 minutes by metro from the city center (campus plan und metro)
- Compulsory attendance
- March to May: Start of the practical study semester (15 CR)* in a local company. Minimum duration 3 months
- Preparation of the bachelor thesis (15 CR)*.
- After successful completion of studies at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, issuance of the CDHAW Bachelor's degree certificate.Anwesenheitspflicht
*The practical study semester can be recognized if you meet the requirements of the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. This means that you usually have to complete an internship of at least 100 working days.
In der Regel fertigen Sie sowohl eine Bachelorarbeit für die CDHAW als auch die HS Mannheim an.