Credit Transfer


Only courses listed in the signed Credit Transfer Protocol (CTP) form are officially confirmed to be elligible for transfer to HSMA!

The CTP of faculty W needs to be agreed and confirmed before any other Learning Agreement (e.g. Erasmus+ LA)

Gather information about courses

Inform yourself about courses offered by the partner university during the application phase

Use the partner university's website Global University Partners to research specifically the subjects and courses you would like to take abroad. Courses with high similiarities to the courses at HSMA are more likely to be recognized.


Create and align CTP

Complete and sign the Credit Transfer Protocol (CTP) form prior to your departure

  • Participate in the faculty's "Credits & More-Workshop" offered during the first third of each semester. Use the materials provided in the workshop within TIW Info
  • Complete a Credit Transfer Protocol (CTP) for each course as part of the CTP
  • Discuss the prepared documents with Team IW by requesting feedback via email or scheduling an appointment
  • We recommend that you apply for an ‘Urlaubssemester’ during your stay abroad. Please follow this guideline on

    How do I apply for a semester off?

  • Upload the fully completed CTP, signed by Team IW, in the application section of TIW Info

Update and align CTP

In case changes to course selection are required after arrival at partner university

  • Coordinate the changes with Team IW and update the CTP
  • Upload the updated CTP, signed by Team International W, in the application area in TIW Info.


Complete and submit CTI

Fill and sign the Credit Transfer Implemention (CTI) form after your return

  • Upload the mandatory experience report in your application area in TIW Info.
  • Fill the Credit Transfer Implementation (CTI) form for externally earned credits available in TIW Info.
  • Upload it together with the final CTP and the official transcript of records of the foreign university to your application area in TIW Info
    Submit the Credit Transfer Implementation (CTI) form, to signal us that you consider everything ready for approval, to Team IW.
  • Please help us: After our return, please check the current data on your exchange university in the Global Partners list. If you recognize any need for updates, e.g. new links, please be so kind to let us know.  


Master Checklist

Susanne Hausi, B.A.

Information & Application

Gebäude L, Raum 355

Stephan Altmann, Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Application & Credit Transfer

Gebäude L, Raum 156