Oakland University



Contact person @partner

318 Meadow Brook Rd 
Rochester, MI 48309

Petra Knoche

Start and end of semesterWinter semester: Last week of August - December
Summer semester: January - May
ProgrammeNon-degree-programme (1 study semester) for Bachelor- and Master students
Study programmes

Mechnical Engineering

Engineering Management

Course descriptionsYou can find the course descriptions here 
Language of instructionEnglish
Language requirements
B2 English language certificate according to Europäischem Referenzrahmen
Your application deadline @department
  • December 31st
    for the winter semester of the following year
  • May 31st
    for the summer semester of the following year
Our nomination deadline @agent (department M)
  • January 31st
    for the winter semester of the same year
  • June 30th
    for the summer semester of the following year
Agents nomination deadline @partner 
  • March 30th
    for the winter semester of the same year
  • October 30th
    for the summer semester of the following year
Your application deadline @partner 
  • November 1st
    for the winter semester of the same year
  • March 1st
    for the summer semester of the following year

More information


As a student of our faculty you can do a theoretical semester of study at Clarkson University:

  • Start of studies in spring term: Mid of January until end of May, in fall term end of August until December.
  • Course registration could be done on site
  • Recommendation for Bachelor students: enroll for not more than 6 courses per semester
  • English taught classes


As a student of our faculty you can do a theoretical semester of study at Clarkson University.
The following requirements should be met, i.e.

  • You have already completed your basic studies (1st and 2nd semester) with 60 ECTS,
  • Your English language skills reach at least B2 level.
  • You are a registered student at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and
  • You have a good grade point average (i.e. 2.5 or better).