Supervision and evaluation of the Thesis (German)
Information about Bachelor and Master Thesis (German)
Registration (German)
Grading (German)
Extension (German)
Guide to your certificate (German)
Design of Student research project, Bachelor or Master Thesis (German)
Front cover for Student research project, Bachelor and Master Thesis (German)
How to calculate the provisional final grade:
(only for self-disclosure of Bachelor students)
Excel form (German) for students starting their studies before summer semester 2015
Excel form (German) for students starting their studies summer semester 2015
Allocation of grades
(valid for period 01/2011-12/2013)
Engineering and Management Bachelor (German)
Engineering and Management Master (German)
(valid for period 01/2012-12/2014)
Engineering and Management Bachelor (German)
Engineering and Management Master (German)
(valid for period 01/2013-12/2015)
Engineering and Management Bachelor (German)
Engineering and Management Master (German)
Engineering and Management Bachelor, WB (English)
Engineering and Management Master, WMB (English)
Engineering and Management Master, WMI (English)
<link file:21154 _blank u-icon--before>Engineering and Management Master, WMW (English)