Engineering and Management International, Bachelor of Science
Mannheim Management Engineering International students will find here up-to-date information on topics such as the recognition of examinations already passed elsewhere, industrial interships, "key qualifications" and block courses as well as study and examination regulations.
Program and Exam Regulations
Follow this link to the Program and Exam Regulations (in German)
Standard Curriculum
The standard curriculum for our Bachelor's degree course elucidates which modules are planned in which semester and provides you with differentiated module descriptions (in English and German).
The special part of the 'StuPO' for this degree program can be found in §55 of the Program and Exam Regulations (German).
E&M Int'l (WBI) Courses Plan
Modules / lectures | Abbr. | h/w | Lang. | SL | PL | CR |
Semester 1 | ||||||
Lern- und Arbeitstechniken | LAT | 2 | de | A,B | 2 | |
Mathematik für Wirtschaftsingenieure 1 | MA1W | 4 | de | PU | K90 | 4 |
Physik für Wirtschaftsingenieure 1 | PH1W | 4 | de | K120 | 4 | |
Technische Mechanik | TM | 6 | de | K120 | 6 | |
Werkstoffkunde | WK | 4 | de | K120 | 4 | |
Introduction to Business Administration | BW | 4 | en | K120 | 4 | |
Foreign Language 1 | SP1 | 4 | K120 | 4 | ||
Technische Kommunikation - Technisches Zeichnen | KG TZ | 2 | de | PU | 4 | |
Semester 2 | ||||||
- Computer Aided Design | CAD | 2 | de | PU | ||
Mathematik für Wirtschaftsingenieure 2 | MA2W | 6 | de | PU | K120 | 6 |
Physik für Wirtschaftsingenieure 2 | PH2W | 4 | de | PU | K90 | 4 |
Internationale Wirtschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre | IVWL | 4 | de | K120 | 4 | |
Betriebliches Rechnungswesen - Finanzbuchhaltung und Bilanzierung - Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung | BRW RW1 RW2 | 2 4 | de de | K180 | 6 | |
Informationstechnologie 1 - Programmierung - Rechnernetze und Datenbanken | IT1 RP DB | 4 2 | de de | PU PU | K120,PA | 8 |
Semester 3 | ||||||
Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik | ET1 | 4 | de | K120 | 4 | |
Fertigungstechnik und Produktionsmanagement - Fertigungstechnik - Produktionsmanagement | FP FT PRM | 4 4 | de de | K180 | 8 | |
Unternehmensorganisation | ORG | 4 | de | K120 | 4 | |
Investition und Finanzierung | IUF | 4 | de | K120 | 4 | |
Wirtschaftsrecht | WR | 4 | de | K120 | 4 | |
Statistik | STK | 4 | de | K90, R/PA | 6 | |
Semester 4 | ||||||
Elektrische Antriebstechnik | ET2 | 4 | de | K120 | 4 | |
Automatisierungstechnik | AT1 | 4 | de | K120 | 4 | |
Konstruktion und Produktentwicklung - Konstruktionselemente - Konstruktionslehre und Innovationsmethodik | KPE KE KL | 4 4 | de de | K120 | 8 | |
Einkauf und Logistik - Einkauf - Logistik | EKL EK LO | 2 4 | de de | K120 | 6 | |
Marketing | MK | 4 | de | K120 | 4 | |
Controlling | CO | 4 | de | K120 | 4 | |
Semester 5 | ||||||
Robotics | AT2 | 4 | en | K120 | 4 | |
Projektmanagement | PM | 4 | de/en | K120 | 4 | |
Global Competences - Global Operations - Intercultural Competence | GC GOP IC | 4 2 | en en | R/PA,M20/K90 | 8 | |
Digital Business Management - Digital Sales - Data Driven Business Models | DBM DS DDB | 4 4 | en en | R/PA,M20/K120 | 8 | |
Informationstechnologie 2 - Enterprise Resource Planning - Digitale Technologien | IT2 ERP DT | 4 2 | de de | PU | K120 | 6 |
Semester 6 | ||||||
Praktisches Studiensemester / Industrial Internship - Praktisches Studiensemester - Kolloquium zum Praktischen Studiensemester - Blockveranstaltungen Schlüsselqualifikationen / Key Qualifications | PSWI PSS KPS BV | 2 | de/ en | PA PB,PR A | 30 | |
Semester 7 | ||||||
Qualität - Qualitätsmanagement - Qualitätssicherung | Q QM QS | 2 2 | de de | K120 | 4 | |
Strategic International Management | IMA | 4 | en | R/PA, M20/K60 | 4 | |
Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht | IWR | 4 | de/en | K120 | 4 | |
Junior Thesis - Seminar zur Studienarbeit | JT SSTA | 1 | en de/en | STA | 8 | |
Vertiefungsrichtung Wahlpflichtmodul / Elective Specialization | VR1 | 6 | de/ en | R/PA, M20/K120 | 10 | |
Semester 8 | ||||||
Foreign Language 2 | SP2 | 4 | K120 | 4 | ||
Management Simulation | USP | 2 | en | A | R, K60 | 5 |
International Management Competences - International Leadership - International Communication and Negotiation | IMC IL ICN | 2 2 |
| A A | R,R R,R | 6 |
Bachelor Thesis Project - Bachelor Thesis - Colloquium on Thesis | BAMW BAW KBA | | en en | BA M | 15 |
Legend: de = German, en = English, A = Compulsory Attendance, V = Lectures, U = Exercise, K = Written Exam, R = Presentation, PU= Compulsory Exercise, PA = Practical Work, M = Oral Exam, BA = Bachelor Thesis, S = Seminar, LA = Lab Work, JT = Junior Thesis
Stay Abroad
According to §55.12 of the Bachelor's examination regulations
Fulfillment of the requirement for a stay abroad of at least 3 months
Proof of a continuous stay abroad of at least 3 months during the study program at Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and thus fulfillment of the requirements in §55.12 StuPO Bachelor of Mannheim University of Applied Sciences can generally be provided by officially documented proof of one of the following options:
- Study visit at a foreign partner university of the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences
(Proof: transcript from the partner university) - Study visit at another foreign university (free mover)
(Proof: transcript from the foreign university) - Internship semester abroad
(Proof: internship contract with the company) - Bachelor thesis abroad
(Proof: contract with the company/proof of stay abroad) - Voluntary internship abroad
(proof: internship contract with the company) - or another study-related qualification measure of at least three months abroad.
(Proof: consultation with the head of degree program in advance is recommended).
Proof must be provided at the latest immediately after completion of the last examination in the last semester of study. To provide proof, please upload the relevant documents to WBI Info on Moodle in the 'Extraordinary recognition of a stay abroad in the WBI in accordance with StuPO §55.12' section.
Key Qualifications
currently available in German only
please see more info at the bottom of the German version of this page
Program Director
Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Altmann
Building L, Room 156
Key Qualifications Director
Prof. Dr. Matthias Klimmer
Building L, Room 154